Last Ounce of Courage
"This heartwarming movie tells the story of a local war hero whose son, Tom, goes off to war. Tom's new wife brings Christian, his first son, into the world while the young hero is away at war earning medals for valor. However, the tragedy that ensues on a cruel battlefield will change everyone's life forever. Tom Revere is laid to rest, paying the ultimate price for freedom. Fourteen years pass and Christian grows to be a teenager. Along with his mother, Carrie, he returns to the small town of Mount Columbus, nestled in the Rocky Mountains, to celebrate the holidays with family. Christian & his grandfather, Bob, are not connecting as they continue to struggle with the pain of losing Tom. In this beautiful story of love and forgiveness, grandfather & grandson discover a way to unite and to make a difference in their community by claiming their freedom of expression. Bob, who is both a pharmacist and the mayor of Mount Columbus, realizes that some of the freedoms his son fought and died for, are eroding. The first battle he chooses to fight in his mission to restore the town's freedoms is the right to celebrate Christmas. In many ways, Bob loses his "battle," but his gain is of greater value. Concluding the film is one of the most dramatic orations given in any movie, where Bob challenges the town to "Wake Up" and begin to take back the freedoms that are being lost, one by one." (IMDb Summary)
Many people hated on this movie for the same reason I loved it. It's packed with patriotism and stirring dialogue.
Oh, the liberals hate this film. I, for one, thought it was a great movie.
Yeah, maybe some of the acting is cheesy, but its no worse (if not better) than those Hallmark Christmas movies everyone's so hyped for. *rolls eyes*
This film was made in 2012, but the message is more true today than ever. Our freedoms are being taken away, so slowly we may not notice it. And its 'time to take a stand'.
I cried. Not gonna lie; I cried like a baby throughout this movie, and no matter how many times I've watched it, Bob's war story to his wife makes me break down.
A girl calls a boy hot. Some war scenes. I think that's it???
This a movie the whole family will enjoy!
My Review: Five Stars ✰✰✰✰✰
*sighs* I absolutely love this movie. we must watch in again. *winks*