Saturday, December 21, 2019

Christmas Movie Review: Day Twenty-One

The Waltons: The Homecoming

"The Walton family is preparing for Christmas in the early 1930s. It's Christmas eve and they are waiting for father Walton to come home from his job in the city some 50 miles away. Since he is late, everyone is worried and over the radio the mother and grandparents hear about an overturned bus and hurt travelers but keep this news from the rest of the family. The story is really a coming of age story about the oldest son John-Boy who must cut down the tree with his grandfather since his father isn't home and is eventually told about his missing father and sets out to find him." (IMDb summary)

Well. Let's begin by saying I grew up watching 'The Waltons' and hadn't seen this TV movie until I was much older, so my review may be a little biased. 
 There was good and bad in this film, so I can't completely bash it.
Patricia Neal as Olivia (or 'Mama') wasn't horrid or anything...but she wasn't Olivia to me. She seemed a little more grumpy and harsh than the mother Micheal Learned portrayed in the show. 
 But she wasn't too bad. And since this is sorta the pilot for the show, I can't really expect everything to be the same. 
 I do have to point out it's easier to believe that they live in the mountains in this one. Not that I don't believe it in the show, but their home seemed much more cabin-like than the house they have in the show. And the countryside isn't nearly as flat in this movie. 

Thankfully all of the kids are the same. *wipes sweat* 
 Richard Thomas definitely wasn't full into his character yet, but he is still John-Boy to me. The rest of the children did all right as well.   

Grandpa, on the other hand, was awful. He didn't have that sparkle and humor that we all are used to seeing in the show. Grandma seemed softer than him, but maybe that's just me. 

Andrew Duggan isn't John to me. Oh, he did all right. But I'm so glad they got Ralph Waite for the role in the TV show. He seems much better suited to me. 
 It was heartwarming to see him return home, and I liked some scenes, but this movie just wasn't a big thrill to me. Like I said, maybe it's because I watched the show first. 

I recall Mary-Ellen using a harsh word but I can't recall how... I think it was 'p--ss'. 
 Some drinking. I think that's it??? I can't remember, and online it doesn't have a parents guide. Thanks a lot, IMDb. 

My Review: Three Stars ✩✩✩



  1. I remember this movie! I agree though, I don't like it as much as the show but it's alright. xD

  2. very true. The movie isn't terrible but the actors in the show are so much better!
