Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Christmas Movie Review: Day Eleven

Heidi (1937)

Eight-year-old Adleheid, called Heidi, is taken to live with her grouchy old grandfather whom she's never met. Although the Alm Uncle (as her grandfather is called) tries his best to keep the child far away from his heart, her cheerfulness and innocence soon wins him over.
 When Heidi is taken away with live with strangers in the city, it becomes a challenge for the little girl to find sunshine in her suddenly empty world, and she longs to be back on the mountain with her grandfather.

Ah, who doesn't love a classic Shirley Temple film? I grew up with the little curly-headed, dancing angel and still enjoy sitting down to watch America's little sweetheart. 
 Although this adaption has a lot of changes from the original book, it's still a wonderful movie to watch during the Christmas season or any day of the year, featuring the lovable dimpled Shirley. 

No, this isn't a Christmas movie, at least not by most people's standards, but I always thought it one. It has quite a bit of Christmas in it, and the lesson does seem like it ties in with the season. 
 The ending is sweet and heartwarming. <3  

Shirley's acting is always superb for one so young, and the supporting cast holds their own as well. I loved Peter in the books, but he has very few scenes in this film, which did disappoint me. But the way they changed the storyline, they wouldn't have been able to fit much more anyways. 
 I also loved Peter's grandmother and wished they could have had more of her. 
It does seem like Klara seems rather spoiled and bratty, but maybe she is in the books and I just don't remember. 
 I love the setting of the film, and the costumes. And we even get to hear a little bit of yodeling in the beginning of the film! <3 
 It's always nice to see Shirley sing, and her Christmas song is beautiful. <33

As for content, I don't really remember much. There is a scene where Heidi is running from the police, which might frighten kids, I guess.  I don't remember much else. 

I'm giving this goldie five stars, and hope you get a chance to see it! All of Shirley Temple's old films are wonderful watches. <3333 


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