Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Writer's Block

I have been working on this one novel for about...... four years?
 Maybe even longer. Who really keeps track.
It's changed considerably since the beginning, and it keeps changing still.

It's about a young rural girl, growing up in a fictional small town in the Western mountains, during the last few years of the Great Depression.
 Or... at least, it's STARTS during the Great Depression.
But the story carries on until the last days of the second World War.
 The characters are still developing, changing, and growing as I go, and it can be difficult at times.
For example.
 The male character, Alec, was always dark, brown-eyed, and spoke with a gentle Texas drawl.
In looks he always reminded me of someone like Gregory Peck (younger version, of course) , but a bit "gangly" like Jimmy Stewart.

Guys... I just watched Captain America and now Alec can only look like Steve Rogers! UGH
 I picture a scene with Alec, and he smiles at his wife..... no, no, no, not Steve. Think Gregory Peck. tsk tsk.

See? Much too blond. Blue eyes. 
What can you do? *throws hands up*

Also, Katie is supposed to only sixteen years of age when she is married. 
 But she keeps ending up sounding so old and wise, like a mature woman who's seen everything there is to see. 
 I try, and I try, to make her seem young, youthful, and innocent, but she always comes across as an ancient soul.  *groans*

AAAAAAND she has so many siblings, that are IMPORTANT to the story, BUT I can't figure out how to give them more depth in the beginning. 
 I mean, they basically just sit around.
How do you make background character come to life?

It can be frustrating, when the Hayes and Tucker families are so real to me, so close, like old friends, but I can't get them down on paper right. 

So, if you haven't guessed by now, I am suffering dreadfully from Writer's Block. 

All I do lately is re-read my old work and:

seriously, me most of the time

I could start ALL OVER, I suppose. 
 But I have tried that once, and I still hit a stone wall. 
 "Oh, this is going great. BOOM." 

So the world is going to have to wait for Katherine and Alec to come out and capture their hearts. They don't seem in the mood for captivating anybody. 

Just letting out some steam ya'll. 

Am I right?




  1. THIS. I relate so much! XD Writing is hard, indeed! Being a writer is hard! I haven't worked on Silver Rose in a while, and definitely haven't written anymore to the sequel in forever. *slaps forehead* Yet the characters (Karalee, Wolfe, Anastasia, and the others) are dear to my heart and the thought of seeing them published is impossibly sweet! ^_^ Ah, gotta give it time, though.

    You know, apparently while C.S. Lewis churned out 7+ books in seven years, his friend J.R.R. Tolkien worked on The Hobbit for seventeen years!

    Not writing can be just as exhausting and agonizing as writing. But I've been learning it's okay to take a break from my novel-writing and get some things in life figured out. I can blog and journal while I'm on a "break", so I'm at least writing SOMETHING! :D

    Your story sounds beautiful, LaKaysha. Don't give up on it! <333

    1. Phew.... I'm glad I'm not the only one. Lol
      Yes, the thought of getting my characters published is so nice, but it just seems so far out of reach. *Sigh*

      No? Really? Wow. I guess some authors take longer than others.

      Yeah, I've been learning to walk away for a while, but it's hard at times.

      Aw, thank you! You're a doll. ;) :D

  2. It's definitely been awhile since you started that novel! I can vouch for you. *Winks* in class you're still working on that story!

    Yes, writing can be hard, though I can't claim to know it like you do!!

    1. Haha, yeah, it's been a while! But it has definitely changed since you last read it. ;)

  3. loved that last meme!!! SO TRUE unfortunately. xD

    1. Here's to all authors who have a bad day *high five* ;)
