Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Life Update// TEARS and STRESS

Hello, lovelies! *English accent, you know*
 I really should be blogging more, about deep, important stuff like, 'the bearing of our souls and telling the most appalling secrets'. (Little Woman fans know)
 But my life has seemed so busy, and crazy lately, I just haven't the time nor the brainwaves to sit down and tell you every little thing that I've been doing.
My sister, my best friend, my companion since birth, is getting MARRIED!

basically my life right now

I'm so happy for her, ya'll! 
 I mean, Josiah is a great guy, sweet, gentle, Godly and mature, and I know she'll be very, very, happy. 
After the planning, shopping, laughing, hugging, bouquet throwing, tear shedding, the hard part follows all the joy. 

How am I ever going to say goodbye to this girl? 
 Oh, the memories that have been flooding me lately, as we plan for the future! 
Walking hand-in-hand down the 'huge' hill to Grandma's, where we knew Aunties Marissa and Marita would be waiting to play. 
 Gathering the eggs together in the morning, and finding dead chickens everywhere, which caused us to run screaming to the house like we were the ones being killed. 
 Felicity convincing us how much fun it would be to clean the playhouse. EVERYDAY. 
Felicity also convincing us how much cleaning the barn would be. And the house. 
"Let's clean this whole entire barn, she said. It'll be fun, she said." 
And I love her for it. 
 Playing in the leaves, swinging on the swing, climbing trees, watching movies and being able to quote them to each other, word for word. 
 Swimming, hiking.
 The many, many late-night giggles, arguments and music sessions that went on in our rooms, the shopping trips, the times we got up on a chilly morning to go to work, listening to music and drinking hot drinks on the way. 
 Sunday drives. 
The times when she put up with my whining, my tears, to listen and give me her advice, even if I didn't want to hear it. 
 Listening to my dreams, laughing at my antics, annoying me until I nearly bopped her one. 
She's done so much for me, as a big sister and as a dear friend, and I have been so blessed to have her in my life. 
 Sisters are such wonderful things. 

I don't know if I can do this. *Covers face and sobs* 

To add to this, I got a job construction cleaning, which I have done once. 
 Driving in town is NOT my cup of tea, so it was pretty stressful, and although I've committed to it, the thought of doing it again sounds so hard. 

literally me after work

 Enough of that. 
My sister is getting married, and we've got the exciting job of planning showers, dresses, flowers, shoes, the ceremony, and then she's going to be with her new best friend forever.  
And I'm so glad God sent Josiah to her. 

What have you been up to? 

Am I the only one who hates town driving?



  1. *sobs* *hide's face in hands*
    You TRYING to make me miss her already?!

  2. Just look on the bright side, at least we have airplanes to fly and visit! :) I actually like driving, I think I get that from grandpa. The more you do it the more you'll relax and get better. Don't worry, it just takes practice. You'll do great after awhile! Hugs to you as all these changes are hard I know!

  3. so excited for her and sad for you at the same time!!! <3 <3 <3 do you know around when the wedding will be yet?
    sisters really are so special. xx


  4. Saying goodbye is going to be hard :( That being said lets have fun planning the wedding and trust God will see us through! :) <3 As for your new job... you will do fine. Each time you drive will get easier! :)<3

  5. Sister's are awesome! God will see you through. As far as work and driving,firsts are hard, but you'll get better at it.

  6. I can't imagine what you're going through, but Jesus knows exactly how you feel and he loves you a lot more than I ever could. He'll carry you through! :)

    I find driving to new places exciting...most of the time. ;P
