Saturday, November 11, 2017

Movie I've Watched Recently// Tag

Daminika tagged me for this....
 But she stole all of the 'new' movies we've watched, so you'll have to settle for these black and white 'goldie oldies'. *winks*
Here we go:

The Stratton Story

I watched this for the first time last night, and fell in love. 
 I admit shedding a few tears, something I haven't done in a while. *eyes look to the ceiling* 
It was a wonderful film, Jimmy Stewart pulling at your heartstrings, Agnes Moorehead once again doing a great job, and all in all, I thought it was a great movie. 
 It reminded me a lot of 'Pride of the Yankees' but wasn't as sad, although it make my lip quiver. *clears throat and wipes away a tear*

I've been watching a lot of Good Ol' Roy lately.
 His movies are so simple and sweet, and despite what some of today's generation might say, I think they are very entertaining. 
 Maybe I'm corny, but I don't really care. 
I'll never outgrow my love for Roy Rogers, King of the Cowboys. *says that last part in a deep, dramatic voice* 
 At nineteen years old, I still enjoy sitting down to watch Roy strum a guitar, smile that crinkly smile, and ride to the rescue of some poor damsel in distress. 
 These were made in a simpler time in America, when people liked good, clean entertainment, and children learned the difference between right from wrong by watching the classic good guys overcome evil with honor and morality that is so seldom seen in movies these days.  
Ahem... Anywho, some of his films I've watched recently: 

couldn't find an actual cover I liked. *shrugs*

Not sure if TV shows count, but, seriously, that's basically what I watch 


Yeeah.... My little sister has a crush on these two now. It's actually pretty funny. *laughs, because she's so boy-crazy, she makes Daminika look like a square*
 How many thirteen-year-old girls swoon over Clint Eastwood?
I mean, come on. Girls these days think Justin Bieber is cute?

Don't make me laugh

The Dick Van Dyke Show

This is probably my favorite comedy show. Ever. 
 Seriously, it's tear-streaming, side-aching, rolling-on-the-floor, kind of comedy, with such expressions, and Dick Van Dyke could make a fence-post laugh. 
I think I Love Lucy is a great comedy, but this one seems to portray a married couple a lot better. (strange, since Lucy and Desi are really married) 
 But I still 'Love Lucy' don't get me wrong. *winks*

And that's all I got for ya'll. 
 *hand over heart and looks apologetic*

Haven't anyone to tag, unfortunately, so I'll have to just 'skeedaddle'. 

                    'So, until then, goodbye, good luck, and may the Good Lord take a liking to ya' 



  1. Um, don't hit me, but I don't think I've watched any of these!

    1. Really? Wow, you poor dear ;) They're all great. Although I'd say Rawhide and The Dick Van Dyke show may be considered 'older' entrainment, since it has a more adult stuff in it. But I enjoy them. :)

  2. dude I LOVE THE DICK VAN DYKE SHOW. i legit crack up so hard. goals ikr

    1. *fist bump*
      Dick Van Dyke is one of the greats

  3. Dick Van Dyke! Best show ever. *laughs* love the conversations you put up! Remember those episodes well. *wink*
    Roy! <3 nuff said.

  4. RAWHIDE!! The BEST show ever!!! Mr. Favor and Rowdy are AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    *yeah you got the point*

    Roy is the bomb! love the last gif! <333333333

    1. That picture of Mr. Favor and Rowdy is ADORABLE!!!!! *rolls eyes in head* *dies* *grins* *heart beats fast*

    2. woah, woman, calm those teenage emotions. :P

  5. Got to start watching some of these so I can say I have!;D~Kylie
