Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Beautiful Womanhood

So, I know I've been a pretty bad tomboy most of my life. Jeans with holes, baggy t-shirts, and an unkempt ponytail were part of the everyday wardrobe. If someone told me I couldn't something because I was a girl, I'd jump in and prove them wrong. But now that I'm older, God has shown me that being a woman is an important job, not one to be taken lightly. We are to be feminine, virtuous; radiating Christ's love from our very being. God created man first. Sorry, girls, but it's true. And He also used these exact words, "Man shall rule over you."
Oooh, scary, huh? Not really. God created man and women for their own purposes. It's not a manner of being able to do it. It's what God wants us to do. Come on, being a girl isn't that bad. In fact, it is wonderful. We are to be kind, compassionate, loving, feminine; carrying ourselves with grace and joy, spreading Christ's love as we go. Home and children should be part of our life, making our household a joyful, warm place to be, as we love our husbands and raise our children to be soldiers, wether it be for our nation, or for our Lord. If God calls you to have a career, then please do have one. But I sincerely doubt He'd call you to a career if you've a family to care for. Being a mother and wife is all I ever hope to be, and I pray God will grant that, if it's His will. Little hands clinging to you, sticky kisses on you cheeks, and the security of a loving husband. What more could a woman ask for? God has a purpose for each person, man or woman, and each purpose is different, but God never changes. Woman are made for home and hearth. That's the best way I can put it. And it's a joy to be God's girl!

1 Timothy 5:14
"I will therefore that the younger women marry, bear children,  guide the house, give none occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully."

Proverbs 12:4
"A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband: but she that maketh ashamed is as rottenness in his bones."

1 Corinthians 11:11-12
"Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman with the man, in the Lord.
For as the woman is of man, even so is the man also by the woman; but all things of God."

Rejoice, girls. Being a woman is beautiful.


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

The Greatest Generation

If you know me, you'll know how I am about World War II. There's something about that time period that gets me. The music, the clothing, the hair, but more importantly is the way the American people behaved. Most call the young people of World War II the "Greatest Generation".
 How right that seems to fit the brave, young boys that all left home to fight a unknown tyrant, an evil enemy. I've been told that I was silly for caring so much about it, but it's something that's always been with me. Have you read what some of our boys went through to keep you free?
The horrors and tortures they witnessed as they fought for you. Did you ever really think about it? What do you think drove them on as they faced Japanese snipers, and Nazis machine guns? They thought of all the folks at home, how they would feel if the things the enemy was doing ever happened to the people they loved. That's what kept them going. I guess it gets me a little defensive when someone says, "Oh, that was a long time ago," like it was nothing important.
 It was a turning point in America's history. Those brave men deserve to be honored, loved, and never, ever forgotten. It was by the grace of God that we won that war. Thank God for those men that He gave the courage to fight for your freedom here at home.

“When you go home

Tell them for us and say

For your tomorrow

We gave our today”

                                                                       God Bless America,
                                                                               LaKaysha E